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  • Writer's pictureMaile Chong

Aloha! : Starting Mai Journey

Have you ever had a great idea, like start a small business? You write down all of your ideas, start to buy the supplies, and have those dreams of when you'll start cashing in those large paydays? Yeah, me too. The thing is I have great ideas, I have the skill to do things but then "real" life gets in the way and I find reasons to postpone or throw in the towel. I know I can't be the only I? I have a love of makeup and beauty. I love to craft. I'm hyper-organized and I like to think people relate to me. Why then can't I keep up the enthusiasm to get my businesses off the ground? I woke up this morning and realized it's simply a fear of failure.

Ever expanding waistline

Since I was young I've always been dubbed the chubby one. I was always offered food whenever I was upset and as a Hawaiian feeding each other is a love language. I just didn't realize that the language I was learning would translate eventually to gut problems, skin issues and high blood pressure. After having tried everything from Weight Watchers to HCG to meal replacement shakes, I would struggle to shave off a few pounds and constantly feel like I was missing out. I would then cope by using food again. This vicious cycle is how I ended up at my heaviest this year (I'll talk about this in another post) but this time I was determined to not be "at risk" due to the fat I've held onto like a security blanket. I have been extremely blessed to have a best friend I've known longer than I haven't and she was trying out a keto based diet along with supplements that helped to make rapid changes to her overall health. She provided me with samples and immediately I felt a difference. Now that I've gone down a few inches I feel like this system should be let out from behind the gate I was keeping it behind. Stick around to so I can share the details with you.

Playing it safe

I've always excelled at everything I've "set out" to do in life. Meaning I've only tried things I knew I'd be good at. It's the safe path. The secure one. The one that comes with a steady paycheck and a group of coworkers that often tell me how wonderful I am and how I deserve a raise. It's like I love the struggle of working a job that only partially fulfills me and then I take the accolades to make up for the part of me that hates waking up in the morning. I can't keep doing this. I can feel "it" killing my creativity and my mental well-being. So I'm starting yet again and I'm hoping that putting this out into the world I reach people out there that are in the same boat or want to keep a gal accountable.

Let's restart this journey...together!

This life needs a here I go...CTRL+ALT+DELETE...

If you're interested in joining Mai journey and sharing your own, please subscribe to my blog.

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